Reactionary libertarians say **** democracy (again)

Mill Road 4 People Press Release – 12 Nov 24

We were saddened to see protesters prevent the start of safety works on Mill Road bridge last night.

These protesters have not made a single suggestion for improving Mill Road. Their sole objective is unimpeded car access, and they appear to be content with Mill Rd remaining a traffic-clogged street with nothing done to make it pleasant and accessible for everyone.

The works they disrupted are quite separate from the bus gate, and there is no legal action against them. They are to slow traffic coming off the bridge and to make the junctions at either side safer.

That is the function of the proposed traffic island. Any suggestion that it is essential to the bus gate is ridiculous since we all know that a bus gate operated previously without one.

The County Council wanted to carry out this much-needed work at the same time as installing the bus gate as a matter of efficiency. Previously, a high court judge confirmed that it could go ahead.

Whatever one’s views on the bus gate, it is beyond disgraceful to delay essential safety work in an area with a high rate of collisions.

This attempt to prevent democratically approved work has cost the local taxpayer yet more money. There is photographic evidence of lawbreaking, for example locking on to a contractor’s van.

It was particularly disappointing to see the Shapour Mehfta, chair of the so-called “Mill Road Traders’ Association” both taking part in and encouraging this deplorable action.

We call on the police to do everything in their power to make sure there is no repeat of this behaviour. The safety works and the democratically-agreed bus gate can pave the way for further improvements that will make Mill Rd an attractive and vibrant destination.