support our 8 goals for Mill Road!

add your name
We now have 1146 signed-up supporters - be the 1147th!

use this link to email Cllr Alex Beckett the County Council Highways Committee Chair
Here are some points you could make. Please try to use your own words rather than copy paste, and perhaps major on two or three points which resonate with you:
- tell him that you support our goals
- point out that restricting the bridge does not have the same traffic reduction benefits in Petersfield as in Romsey, due to rat-running through South Petersfield to and from the railway station and Hills Road; additional measures must be taken to address this issue
- remind him that 83% of respondents to the County Council commissioned 2022 Mill Road consultation supported ‘Theme 2: Improve the quality of place’
- to date the County Council have failed to allocate funding, even for an initial design phase
- Mill Road has not had significant work done to its public realm for decades
- meanwhile other Cambridgeshire towns with a similar size catchment population to Mill Road (St Neots, March are two examples) have in recent times had tens of millions of pounds spent on schemes to improve the public realm
- encourage him to act with urgency in making concrete plans to improve Mill Road!