About us

about us…

mill road – a street for people is a group of local residents and business people working on a non-partisan basis to achieve the best Mill Road for everyone. You can read our constitution here.

We started our group in early 2021; but local people have asking for change on Mill Road for over 50 years.

Our committee for 2024 / 25 was elected at our fourth AGM, held on 18th November 2024:

ChairPaul Lythgoe
Vice-ChairKatie Hawks
TreasurerTina Riches
SecretaryAndy Kennedy
PressLiz Walter
Plants and Green SpacesCharlotte de Blois
Equal OpportunitiesJennie Hawks
DisabilitiesAndrew Allsworth
Sue Calverley
Social Media / PublicitySteve Linford
Transport Monitoring & ResearchVanessa Alchin
Business LiaisonAnne Beamish
Leaflet DistributionDebbie Allen
Alan Ackroyd
Pavement Parking Campaign Managertbc
Local Authority LiaisonColin Sherwood
LegalFrancesca Re Manning
Schools LiaisonAnita Lehmann
Social Secretary Matt Winter-Holt
Medical Professional LiaisonDr. Michael Cahn
Mill Road – A Street for People – 2024 / 25 Committee

Our accounts were presented by our treasurer at our 2024 AGM and approved by members present. You can read her report here.

As a volunteer based organisation we don’t need that much by way of funding, but we do have printing, website, software licence costs etc to pay for. If you are able to help with those costs, you can make a donation here.

Our 1,100+ members live all over Cambridge and beyond; this map shows the postcode locations of our many members who live on or around Mill Road.

And here are some quotes from a few of our members:

Really excited to hear the proposals being discussed by @MillRoad4People for improvements to Mill Road.

I like the idea of making the bridge accessible for businesses making local deliveries and adding loading bays to keep vans off the pavements.

Andrew, The Garden Kitchen

As a resident of Romsey Town I care deeply about my area and I think that this campaign, and its goals, can help us come together in pursuit of an improved Mill Road.

I believe that by working together we can solve problems and deliver benefits to our community, including our minorities and those who may be disadvantaged.”

Paul Saunders, former Liberal Democrat City Councillor for Romsey Ward and former Mayor of the City

As a former Director of Planning at Cambridge City Council and now an independent adviser on city planning and design I very much support this initiative. I have lived in Petersfield for 30 years, and Mill Road lies at the heart of the community. It has huge potential as a cycle and pedestrian-friendly street that learns from the best national and international good practice. The debate about the bridge closure should not be seen as a battle between residents and local businesses. A visionary and collaborative approach can accommodate everyone’s aspirations and I am happy to offer whatever support I can to help.

Peter Studdert

We moved into this area 25 years ago because of its diversity and strong sense of community. One down side though was the difficulty travelling around freely on foot or by bike because of constant traffic congestion on Mill Road.

Closure of the Mill Road bridge to traffic has been a transformative improvement – and with the Ironworks and Devonshire Gardens developments imminent, couldn’t have been more timely.

Debbie Allen, Romsey resident

There’s not much to dislike about these ideas for Mill Road. Resolving issues with deliveries should make life easier for traders while keeping Mill Road a pleasant place for people visiting shops and cafes.

Neil Bharadwa, Director, Cambridge Fruit Company

I’ve lived in Cambridge for over 30 years. Mill Road has always been a special place. It is so much better without all the through traffic – safer and less polluted. But more needs to be done to make changes that work for everyone – traders, residents, and all those visiting the great shops, restaurants and pubs. This is a great campaign full of practical suggestions – I’m happy to be a supporter.

Chris Howell, former Conservative City Councillor

The closure of Mill Road bridge [to motor vehicles] has meant that Devonshire Road is no longer the dangerous rat-run it once was.

As residents we campaigned for many years for a reduction in speeding, congestion, noise and air pollution, which has now largely been achieved.

Bettien, Devonshire Road resident

I think it’s essential to have low-traffic, low-pollution areas wherever we can, for our health and the health of our children.

Liz Walter, long-time Romsey resident

I love the Mill Road community’s vibrancy, independent shops, restaurants, pubs and cafés but am concerned about the road’s increasing traffic jams and air pollution this century.

Richard Wood, local activist and campaigner with two local organisations, Mill Road Bridges and Cambridge Area Bus Users, contributing here in a personal capacity

I’ve lived in Romsey for just over 30 years and can’t now imagine living anywhere else in Cambridge.

Being unable to drive because of problems with my eyesight, I have to rely on public transport in order to make longer journeys. In the near future I’d love to see an improved, less polluting transport infrastructure on Mill Road.

Andrew Allsworth, Thoday Street resident

Mill Road used to be a dangerous and polluted road which I often had to avoid. But since the bridge change, I’m now spending twice as much here as before, as it’s now safer and more convenient to access. What is needed now are lots of simple, practical changes, like adding cycle parking, planters, delivery bays, and disabled parking, that will improve the street.

Martin, long-term Petersfield resident, cycle user and campaigner for independent shops

I’ve lived on Mill Road for over 30 years. I have always loved the sense of community and this has been enhanced beyond all measure by the decrease in traffic. To be rid of the danger, the pollution and the noise is life enhancing, peaceful and green. I use local shops much more now, the traders have so much to offer and Mill Road residents are surely fortunate to have such local shops and cafes. To transform a thoroughfare of constant traffic into the haven that we now have makes me feel that we are surely a very fortunate community indeed.

Dodie Carter, local resident