Mill Road Incident Map
This map shows collisions and near misses on and around Mill Road that have been reported to us. We started collecting this data in October 2021.
Click on / tap the pins on the map for more detail.
Incident Report
Incident date/time:Thursday 28th October 2021 15:00.
The incident involved a Car.
The following additional information was provided by the reporter:The incident involved a Car.
Incident Factors
Factors reported to have contributed to the incident were:
My son normally cycles home alone from school. He’s year 6.
On Tuesday after holiday club he phoned me from the bridge saying he could not access Mill Road on his bike because there we’re just too many cars and it was busy. He sounded scared. I cycled down to meet him and cycle back with him and advised him to walk over the bridge with his bike if he feels there are too many cars to cycle.
Incident Report
Incident date/time:Thursday 14th October 2021 07:29.
The incident involved a Car.
The following additional information was provided by the reporter:The incident involved a Car.
Incident Factors
Factors reported to have contributed to the incident were:
Erratic or careless driving / riding
Cycling with my son to school, a car overtook my son while we were overtaking a parked bus. The car missed my son by inches, then came in front of us snd pulled in to park in a double yellow line. The car was working as a take away delivery driver for one of the fast food takeaway restaurants (kebabs).
There are often cars parked illegally there on double yellow lines, forcing cyclists to go wide into the road to overtake them, causing danger for cyclists.
Incident Report
Incident date/time:Saturday 9th October 2021 13:30.
The incident involved a Van.
The following additional information was provided by the reporter:The incident involved a Van.
Incident Factors
Factors reported to have contributed to the incident were:
Erratic or careless driving / riding
I was cycling up the railway bridge with my son in his bike seat on the back of my bike. A van sped up behind me, then tried to overtake me. They then had to swerve back in when a car came over the crown of the hill coming towards us. I was nearly knocked off my bike as there was nowhere to pull into.
Incident Report
Incident date/time:Wednesday 13th October 2021 16:00.
The incident involved a Car and a Cycle (pedal). The rider of the Cycle (pedal) was injured.
The incident involved a Car and a Cycle (pedal). The rider of the Cycle (pedal) was injured.
Incident Factors
Factors reported to have contributed to the incident were:
Illegal parking
Erratic or careless driving / riding
He pulled out without looking while parked on the pavement
Incident Report
Incident date/time:Thursday 28th October 2021 10:35.
The incident involved a Lorry and a Police Car.
The following additional information was provided by the reporter:The incident involved a Lorry and a Police Car.
Incident Factors
Factors reported to have contributed to the incident were:
Police Car
Illegal parking
Near miss event - there was a van, a lorry and a police car all pulled up on both pavements creating an obstacle where drivers had to weave between them, and there was very limited visibility of what was coming the other way. There was a cyclist who came out from behind the lorry to pass, but couldn't be seen until the last minute and was nearly hit by a car overtaking the police car coming the other way.
Incident photo / video: 

Incident Report
Incident date/time:Friday 22nd October 2021 18:15.
The incident involved a Car.
The following additional information was provided by the reporter:The incident involved a Car.
Incident Factors
Factors reported to have contributed to the incident were:
Erratic or careless driving / riding
Close overtake on way up mill road bridge squeezing cyclist dangerously to edge of road. No overtaking lines need repainting and signs adding
Incident Report
Incident date/time:Thursday 17th June 2021 12:00.
The incident involved a Cycle (pedal) and one or more pedestrians. One of the pedestrians involved had a disability, reported as "Vey elderly".
The following additional information was provided by the reporter:The incident involved a Cycle (pedal) and one or more pedestrians. One of the pedestrians involved had a disability, reported as "Vey elderly".
Incident Factors
Factors reported to have contributed to the incident were:
Cycle (pedal)
Cyclist completely ignoring safety of others
The cyclist was riding like a lunatic and almost collided into an elderly gentleman, who would most certainly have been severely injured. He also shouted very loudly at the pier terrified old man
Incident Report
Incident date/time:Monday 1st November 2021 15:26.
The incident involved a Lorry and a Cycle (pedal).
The following additional information was provided by the reporter:The incident involved a Lorry and a Cycle (pedal).
Incident Factors
Factors reported to have contributed to the incident were:
Pick up truck overtaking a cyclist right on the brow of the bridge, only to find a police car, with blue lights and siren, coming up the other side. Had to cut in sharply in front of the cyclist. Near miss.
Incident photo / video: 

Incident Report
Incident date/time:Wednesday 3rd November 2021 18:00.
The incident involved a Cycle (pedal) and a Car.
The incident involved a Cycle (pedal) and a Car.
Incident Factors
Factors reported to have contributed to the incident were:
Pulling out at roundabout and not giving way
Incident Report
Incident date/time:Friday 15th October 2021 20:12.
The incident involved a Scooter (electric) and a Bus. The rider of the Scooter (electric) was injured.
The following additional information was provided by the reporter:The incident involved a Scooter (electric) and a Bus. The rider of the Scooter (electric) was injured.
Incident Factors
Factors reported to have contributed to the incident were:
A bus overtook a scooter rider on the bridge, pulling in too quickly and causing the scooter ride to hit the pavement and come flying off. Because there are no dedicated cycle lanes it’s really dangerous for scooter riders and cyclists on mill road, especially now the traffic is getting much heavier since the bridge reopened. Mill Road really needs to be rethought with cycle lanes. Maybe make it one way or close the bridge to traffic again.
Incident Report
Incident date/time:Friday 12th November 2021 18:55.
The incident involved a Van.
The following additional information was provided by the reporter:The incident involved a Van.
Incident Factors
Factors reported to have contributed to the incident were:
I was on my bike cycling from city centre to David street and while crossing the bridge I signed to turn right onto David street. I had to slow down because a car was coming the opposite way and the van behind me overtook me by the left and hit me with the side mirror. This made me have to stop on the middle of the road to prevent a fall. The driver didn't stop.
Incident Report
Incident date/time:Friday 12th November 2021 22:55.
The incident involved a Car and a Car.
The following additional information was provided by the reporter:The incident involved a Car and a Car.
Incident Factors
Factors reported to have contributed to the incident were:
Near miss. Car drove up wrong side of bridge (from Petersfield end) to overtake two cyclists and was met by oncoming car. Luckily the latter car was driving slowly. The overtakes had nowhere to go as he was side by side with the second cyclist (me).
Incident Report
Incident date/time:Thursday 15th November 2018 19:00.
The incident involved a Car and a Cycle (pedal). The rider of the Cycle (pedal) was injured.
The incident involved a Car and a Cycle (pedal). The rider of the Cycle (pedal) was injured.
Incident Factors
Factors reported to have contributed to the incident were:
