Petersfield deserves better..

While Mill Road bridge was restricted, Petersfield didn’t experience the same traffic reduction benefits as Romsey. Petersfield should not be the poor relation – the design of the permanent traffic reduction scheme for Mill Road must address this issue. Motor vehicle numbers during periods of bridge restrictions are typically higher at the Donkey Common (town)… Continue reading Petersfield deserves better..

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Is 20 plenty?

20 MPH Streets, Bellevue, Edinburgh, 05/05/2017: Photography for Living Streets Scotland from: Colin Hattersley Photography - - - 07974 957 388.

20mph is becoming so normal for urban areas, it’s beginning to lose its controversy. That it’s far safer for pedestrians and cyclists is firmly backed up by evidence. But it’s often stated that vehicles travelling at 20mph pollute more than they do at 30mph. 20 – more dirty than 30? Well, yes, if you drive… Continue reading Is 20 plenty?

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E-scooters – a way forward?

E-scooters are now a familiar sight up and down Mill Road, from the cheery orangey-red Voi scooters to the sleek black machines zipping along. There’s more of a difference between them than colour, however: as yet, the Voi scooters are legal and the privately-owned ones are illegal. The government has been a little slow to… Continue reading E-scooters – a way forward?

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Heard, but not seen: noise pollution

Air pollution and its effect on our health and well-being has been much studied and written about. But noise pollution is only just beginning to be recognised. Recent studies, here and here, showed that continuous exposure to traffic noise can lead to child development problems, heart disease and diabetes – and we haven’t even touched… Continue reading Heard, but not seen: noise pollution

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